In 1867, the family moved to Munich, where Planck attended the Ludwig Maximilians gymnasium school.

His family was traditional and intellectual (his father was a law professor and his grandfather and great-grandfather had been theology professors). Karl Ernst Ludwig Marx Planck, better known as Max, was born in Kiel in Holstein, northern Germany on 23 April 1858. This is generally regarded as the first essential stepping stone in the development of quantum theory, which has revolutionized the way we see and understand the sub-atomic world. Around the turn of the century, he realized that light and other electromagnetic waves were emitted in discrete packets of energy that he called " quanta" - "quantum" in the singlular - which could only take on certain discrete values (multiples of a certain constant, which now bears the name the “ Planck constant”). Max Planck was a German theoretical physicist, considered to be the initial founder of quantum theory, and one of the most important physicists of the 20th Century.